Returns /Refund Cancellation Policy
Returns is a scheme provided by DP ENTERPRISES directly under this policy in terms of which the option of exchange, replacement and/ or refund is offered by the DP ENTERPRISES to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns policy. For all products, the policy on the product page shall prevail over the general returns policy. Do refer the respective item's applicable return policy on the product page for any exceptions to the below.
5-7 days
Replacement only
In order to help you resolve issues with your product, we may troubleshoot your product either through online tools, over the phone, and/or through an in-person technical visit.
If a defect is determined within the Returns Window, a replacement of the same model will be provided at no additional cost. If no defect is confirmed or the issue is not diagnosed within 5-7 days of delivery or Installation wherever applicable, you will be directed to a brand service centre to resolve any subsequent issues.
In any case, only one replacement shall be provided.
No Refund Only Replacement